The “Corruption” in the Trump Trial
Politics Jeff Rufino Politics Jeff Rufino

The “Corruption” in the Trump Trial

Allegations of corruption in the Trump "hush money" trial need more than just conspiracy theories. They need solid evidence and a sound methodology. For our justice system to maintain its integrity, we must stick to the facts and be honest in our discussions.

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My Beef with Bill Nye
Culture Jeff Rufino Culture Jeff Rufino

My Beef with Bill Nye

Bill Nye's 2014 debate with creationist Ken Ham sparked controversy by seemingly legitimizing pseudoscience. How did this decision impact public understanding of science, and what can we learn from it? Dive into the unexpected consequences of this high-profile clash.

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Blizzard’s Free To Play Business
Video Games Jeff Rufino Video Games Jeff Rufino

Blizzard’s Free To Play Business

Did Blizzard ruin the Diablo franchise by hitching it to a smartphone money vacuum? Are the business decisions surrounding the Warcraft 3 remaster fatal to Azeroth? Can Overwatch 2 survive its disastrous launch? No matter what the answer is, one thing is certain. Blizzard is no longer the company of old.

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Ubisoft’s Female Leads
Video Games Jeff Rufino Video Games Jeff Rufino

Ubisoft’s Female Leads

Over the last seven years, Ubisoft has undergone a trek toward surfacing more female protagonists in their main line games. The journey has been, unfortunately, full of half measures and odd decisions.

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Classified Experts
Politics Jeff Rufino Politics Jeff Rufino

Classified Experts

After all, if we don’t have ideological battle lines to stand behind, what is the point of politics? Spreading misinformation is the best way for one to feel intelligent, if even for a few minutes.

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American Taliban
Politics Jeff Rufino Politics Jeff Rufino

American Taliban

These beliefs are not the disease. They are a symptom of a group of people indoctrinated with the notion that they should always look for an “other” in order to boost their self-worth.

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