Rules of Engagement

  • Don't Feed the Trolls

    In the vast wilderness of the internet, trolls lurk in the shadows, waiting to disrupt and dishearten. Stand tall and move forward without engaging in their games. Your focus is your power.

  • Lend a Helping Hand

    Every member of our community is a beacon of potential. When you see an opportunity to uplift and assist, extend your hand. Together, we rise.

  • Embrace Coexistence

    Diversity is the lifeblood of innovation. Embrace the myriad perspectives and voices that populate our forums. It’s in this melting pot of ideas that brilliance is born.

  • Stay Curious, Stay Informed

    Knowledge is our currency. Invest in your intellectual growth, and watch as new horizons of understanding unfold before you.

“You want to get people to like you? It’s simple. Don’t be a jerk.”

— EoaS Subscriber